1GW milestone for UK solar industry
Recent figures published by the Department of Energy and Climate Change revealed that there have been over 20,000 solar systems installed in the UK since the start of 2012, totalling a capacity of over 63MW.
The figures place the UK’s total installed solar PV capacity at over 1GW in only 22 months, achieved as a result of the government’s Feed-in Tariff Scheme. Climate Change Minister, Greg Barker has committed to achieve 22GW of cumulative solar capacity installed in the UK by 2020, an ambitious target given the recent changes to the Feed-in Tariffs.
National renewable energy contractor JPCS has worked with Krinner UK to contribute 12MW worth of commercial solar PV installations to the target using the ground screw foundation (with a substantial 1MWp in just 6 weeks!) across the UK so far, with several ongoing projects and many in the pipeline.
The new Feed-in Tariff rates for solar PV will apply from the March 3.
The krinner ground screw provides a durable, robust and sustainable ground engineering solution, as an alternative to traditional concrete foundations.